By becoming a member, you support Belgian Jazz !

Support jazz

By supporting our activities, you contribute directly to the promotion of Belgian jazz. You will be kept informed of our activities via our quarterly journal Le Jazz d'Hortense and our newsletters.

Grow the family

The members of Les Lundis d’Hortense are Belgian jazz musicians, music lovers and people interested in the association’s project.

Get the perks

The annual subscription is €20. Once you become a member, you will benefit from discounts on all our activities, concerts and workshops.

Become a member of Les Lundis d’Hortense!

For only €20 per year! Support the association by becoming a member and benefit from discounts on all our activities, concerts and workshops .

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    I undertake to make the payment of €20 to the account of Les Lundis d’Hortense BE23 0680 7040 9091 in order to subscribe to the membership card valid for one year.

    The Jazz in Belgium website

    A free collaborative and participative platform, available in three languages (Eng, Fr, Nl)

    For all the jazz makers in Belgium and the jazz lovers around the world. is a platform aimed at bringing together Belgium-based jazz actors, doing so by providing audiences with daily information about the Belgian jazz scene. Since its inception in 1996, this website has been managed by Les Lundis d’Hortense, a jazz musicians’ association promoting and distributing Belgian jazz.’s main goal is gathering contents created and published by various jazz operators based in Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia and framing them through a national and international perspective.
    The platform is open to all sorts of styles (mainstream, modern jazz, post bop, free jazz, swing, manouche, crossover, world jazz, Nu-jazz…) and its calendar to all sorts of jazz-related activities (concerts, jam sessions, festivals, conferences, masterclasses, films…).

    Visit the website


    About is the free collaborative platform for all the jazz makers in Belgium and the jazz lovers around the world.

    Discover our activities

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    Jazz au Vert

    A week-long camp in a green setting to introduce you to jazz or to perfect your skills.

    A unique spirit, a camp open to all instruments!

    For 40 years now, curious musicians, future stars and everything in-between have been meeting for the summer Jazz au Vert camp. Thanks to a team of eclectic teachers sharing their knowledge and conducting ensembles in preparation of a marathon concert at the end of the workshop, this week sums up what this music represents: conviviality, rigour, excitement, short nights as well as human and musical encounters … In addition to the main classes, various workshops and activities are proposed as well as the creation of an ephemeral Big Band that swings like no other! All this in a unique atmosphere that is both studious and festive!  

    More info

    Discover the practical information about the camp, the teachers and all the activities on offer

    Find out more about the camp

    July 13 to 19, 2025

    Registration for the 40th edition of Jazz au Vert is now open!

    Sign me up

    Associated events

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    Lotto Brussels Jazz Weekend

    Belgium's largest free jazz festival
    From 24 to 26 May 2024 in Brussels

    Over 100 free concerts at various locations in Brussels

    A not-to-be-missed annual event in Brussels in May, the Lotto Brussels Jazz Weekend offers a diverse programme aimed at both seasoned music lovers and curious neophytes. True to its mission, Les Lundis d’Hortense is joining the festival to showcase Belgian jazz on Sundays in the Grand-Place (only).

    Access and bookings

    The concerts are free of charge. No booking necessary.

    Register your concert here

    More concerts ?

    Discover the official website of this free urban festival dedicated to new discoveries and intended for every music lover.

    Available here

    Associated events

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    Le Jazz d'Hortense

    Concerts, album releases, interviews … Le Jazz d'Hortense keeps you informed about the activities of Le Lundis d’Hortense and the latest news on Belgian jazz.

    A pocket format you can take with you

    Every quarter, a new journal in your letter box or available online. You will be able to discover a musician through the interview and the CD releases of the quarter besides staying informed of our activities.

    Read it online

    All issues of the journal Le Jazz d’Hortense are available online in PDF format.

    Read it online

    Receive it at home

    Do you prefer the good old paper version? No problem, you can ask to receive the journal in your letter box.

    Receive it at home

    Discover our activities

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    Propose your project

    Are you a musician and would you like to submit your project for one of our activities?

    Les Lundis d’Hortense organizes a whole range of activities, including more than 100 concerts per season. Almost the entire programme – with the exception of certain special events – is based on calls for applications, which are listened to blindly by the members of the Board of Directors of the non-profit association. The vast majority of the members are professional musicians, the others are aficionados who are familiar with the genre. Each group has an equal chance of being selected for the activity for which they are applying. The musicians of the Board of Directors do not have the right to vote for the projects in which they are taking part.

    Unfortunately, it is impossible to programme everyone. Out of the 150 Jazz Tour  applications, only nine groups will be selected, so please be patient and put things into perspective: a rejection is not a judgement on the  artistic quality of the project. It is the sum of 16 subjective opinions that enables the most objective selection possible.

    Best of luck!

    Concert series taking place on Wednesday at Jazz Station.

    Call for applications for one concert during the year 2026

    Next deadline : 10 June 2025

    The fee is €250 per musician (all charges included).
    + a contribution to the costs of 50 € per concert per musician living abroad (more than 50 km.

    If the submitted audio tracks have not been recorded with the proposed musicians and/or if you have specific requests regarding your project, please note this in the ‘Remarks’ field of the registration form. Make sure you have the agreement of the musicians in your group, especially on the proposed conditions, before submitting your application.  

    If your group was already scheduled during the previous year, your application will not be considered.

    8 groups touring Brussels and Wallonia between October and May.

    Call for applications for the 2026–2027 season
    Next deadline : 10 June 2025

    The fee is 330 € par musicien, all charges included (Art&Vie and provincial interventions included).
    + a contribution to the costs of 50 € per concert per musician living abroad (more than 50 km from the Belgian border).

    If the submitted audio tracks have not been recorded with the proposed musicians and/or if you have specific requests regarding your project, please note this in the ‘Remarks’ field of the registration form. Make sure you have the agreement of the musicians in your group, especially on the proposed conditions, before submitting your application.  

    If your group was already scheduled during the previous season, your application will not be considered.

    The Jazz Tour is organized thanks to Art & Vie funding from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. Artists or artistic groups whose artistic team is predominantly from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and/or the German-speaking community (in accordance with the cultural cooperation agreement between the two communities of 15/7/2010) may apply for Art&Vie recognition. Applications from groups that do not meet these conditions will not be considered.

    Only the concerts on Sunday on the Grand-Place.

    Call for applications for the 2026 edition (date to be confirmed – usually le last Sunday of May)

    Next deadline : 10 June 2025

    The  fee is 300-350 € par musicien (all charges included).
    + a contribution to the costs of 50 € per concert per musician living abroad (more than 50 km.

    If the submitted audio tracks have not been recorded with the proposed musicians and/or if you have specific requests regarding your project, please note this in the ‘Remarks’ field of the registration form. Make sure you have the agreement of the musicians in your group, especially on the proposed conditions, before submitting your application.  

    If you have already been programmed during one of the two previous seasons with your group, your application will not be considered.

    This call is subject to the organisaziton of the event by the Lotto Brussels Jazz Weekend team

    Our series of solo and duo concerts at Midis d’Hortense will no longer continue. Nevertheless, please continue to send us your solo and duo proposals for our other activities.

    My application

    Register your application via an online form (link at the bottom of the page). You will also be asked to submit three titles of your project in MP3 format to our address via the website (click on ‘take me to free’ to access the free version). Do not send your extracts directly to our mailbox, we do not receive large files.

    Conditions of registration

    Before sending us your proposal(s), please note that :
    – This call for proposals is only open to bands on the jazz scene whose members are mainly resident in Belgium. The Jazz Tour activity is organised thanks to Art & vie support and is accessible only to groups from the Wallonia-Brussels federation.
    – We ask that the page of the band(s) you are proposing and that of its leader be updated on our website, and that the group has adequate promotional material (quality texts and photos). If you do not yet have an account to update your information, you can request one here:
    – We accept a maximum of two leader/co-leader projects per call (deadline date), all activities included.
    – The audio material you are proposing must not be more than 5 years old and must correspond to the line-up of the proposed group. If this is not the case and/or if you have any specific comments about your project, please note them in the “Any comments” field on the form.
    – Demos and recordings of rehearsals or concerts are permitted, but please ensure that the sound quality of your extracts is good and effective (no excessively long introductions or 25-minute standards without arrangements) and that they are edited correctly (discussions between band members before or after the take, false starts, long counts, etc.).
    – By submitting your application, you undertake to play with the musicians who took part in the recordings sent in, and you confirm that the musicians in your project accept the conditions proposed, in particular the financial conditions: €250/musician for the Soirs, €330/musician (including Art &Vie) for the Jazz Tour, €300-350€/musician for the BJW Lotto Podium + a contribution towards expenses of €50 per concert per musician living abroad for all activities.
    – For the Soirs d’Hortense, if your group has already been programmed the previous year, your application will not be considered. For our podium at the Lotto Brussels Jazz Weekend and the Jazz Tour, if your group has already been programmed during one of the two previous seasons, your proposal will not be considered.
    – The Jazz Tour is organised thanks to Art&Vie grants from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. Artists or artistic groups whose artistic team is predominantly from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and/or the German-speaking community (in accordance with the cultural cooperation agreement between the two communities of 15/7/2010) may apply for Art&Vie recognition. Applications from groups that do not meet these conditions will not be considered.

    We will inform all the candidates of our selection when the programme has been finalized. This can take several months, depending on the activity.


    Les Lundis d'Hortense, c'est du jazz belge !

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