© Chris Bulte

With “Rivières”, the trio offers a sonic immersion into the world of our emotions, an exploration of the invisible currents that flow through each of us. This original project is conceived as an ode to those inner rivers, those often-buried flows of emotion that we too rarely allow to express themselves freely. In this new repertoire (“Erosion”, “Déluge”, “La chute”, “Mémoires du Nil”, “Rivières”, etc.), Damien Brassart invites us to hold nothing back, to block nothing, just to let our inner rivers flow, so that through music, they find their natural course.
This is what jazz and improvisation can offer us: to play with the fragility of the moment to let what is present circulate, and to enjoy this freedom.

« Rivières is a sonic immersion in the inner flows that flow through us, an ode to our often-forgotten inner rivers. Play with the fragility of the moment to let what’s present circulate and enjoy this freedom. Hold nothing back, let the rivers flow.
Deeply lyrical, Rivières explores the dynamics of movement and ephemerality delicate textures and intense flights of fancy. Following in the footsteps of the great pianoless trios, Damien Brassart, Jim Monneau and Diogo Alexandredefend the idea of a raw, stripped-down sound that goes straight to the essentials. On the one hand, there’s the energy of Coltrane and the audacity of Ornette, and on the other, contemporary European spectral textures, with a breath of orientalism and mysticism.
These three musicians take us into a universe where every note is a breath, a shiver a shiver, a call to travel. » Thöz collective label